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Metallica Dont You Think This Outlaw Bits Done Got Out Of Hand

METALLICA - Dont You Think This Outlaw Bits Done Got Out Of Hand

WRITTEN BY:    Jennings
ORIGINAL BY:Waylon Jennings, veröffentlicht auf I've Always Been Crazy (1978)

ZUM SONG: "Don't You Think This Outlaw Bit's Done Gone Out of Hand" ist ein Song der verstorbenen Country Legende Waylon Jennings, den James Hetfield als solo-Künstler 2002 anlässlich des Todes von Jennings für ein Tribut-Album gecovert hat. James Hetfield hat dabei alle Instrumente gespielt. Die Aufnahmen zu dem Song den Metallica-Produzent Bob Rock produziert hat, fanden im Metallica HQ in San Francisco statt.

Hetfield dazu: "Das erste Mal, dass ich Jennings traf, war als ein College Radio die beiden "Outlaws" zusammenbringen wollte. Sie dachten es wäre eine gute Idee, wenn Ich Jennings interviewen würde und ich glaube mein Dad hat mir mit einigen der Fragen geholfen. Es ist lustig, weil mein Dad ein Autogramm von Ihm haben wollte und Jennings hat einige Metallica Sachen mitgebracht, die ich für seinen Sohn signieren sollte. Es war also total cool. Ich bin sehr dankbar, teil dieses Projektes sein zu dürfen, die Möglichkeit zu haben meinen Stempel... meinen "Outlaw"-Stempel der Musik zu geben, die Jennings geschaffen hat."

Original Lyrics


Dont You Think This Outlaw Bits Done Got Out Of Hand

I'm for law and order, the way that it should be
This song's about the night they spent protecting you from me
Someone called this outlaw in some ol' magazine
New York sent a posse down like I ain't ever seen

Don't you think this outlaw bit has done got out of hand?
What started out to be a joke, the law don't understand
Was it singing through my nose that got me busted by the man? Yeah
Maybe this here outlaw bit has done got out of hand

Don't you think this outlaw bit has done got out of hand?
What started out to be a joke, the law don't understand
Was it singing through my nose that got me busted by the man?
Maybe this here outlaw bit has done got out of hand

We were wrapped up in our music, that's why we never saw
The cars pull up, the boys get out and the room fill up with law
They come pounding through the back door in the middle of our song
Yeah, they got me for possession of something that was gone, long gone

Hey, don't you think this outlaw bit has done got out of hand?
What started out to be a joke, the law don't understand
Was it singing through my nose that got me busted by the man?
Oh, maybe this here outlaw bit has done got out of hand

Yeah, don't you think this outlaw bit has done got out of hand?
What started out to be a joke, the law don't understand
Was singing through my nose what got me busted by the man?
Maybe this here outlaw bit has done got out of hand

Aw, don't you think this outlaw bit has done got out of hand?
What started out to be a joke, the law don't understand
Was it singing through my nose that got me busted by the man?
Maybe this here outlaw bit has done got out of hand

Just a good ol' boy, never meaning no harm
Just a good ol' boy, never meaning no harm
Just a good ol' boy, never meaning no harm
Just a good ol' boy
Dont You Think This Outlaw Bits Done Got Out Of Hand

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Dont You Think This Outlaw Bits Done Got Out Of Hand Live Performances

Metallica haben Dont You Think This Outlaw Bits Done Got Out Of Hand bis heute 1 mal live gespielt.

Sep 7,
Nashville, TN, USA
Gaylord Entertainment Center
CMT Outlaw Concert

1 von 1 Metallica Konzerte ausgewählt.

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