Metallica im Chat

  • Metallica waren gestern im metclub Chat. Folgendes haben sie gesagt:

    L: Good to be back in the chat room.

    J: Hows it going?
    L: Peaches baby thanks.

    How did it feel to play at the gig last night?
    K: Made me feel alive!

    J: I'm doing good now that we've got our first gig under our belt.

    L: Bob is practising his bass parts.

    K: We just did the songs that felt the best to us.

    K: Creep hopefully we will come up with something cooler.

    L: The second gig could be tonight tomorrow, next week, we have not talked about it.

    When will the album be out?
    K: When it's done.

    L: Yes horseman we are basically making a long form movie about life in Metallica in these interesting years.

    J: Yeah we are all pulling for you Peaches.

    J: Are we good parents?

    K: We're going to play Jason's house, but with Bob.

    L: I put kalamozoo on the list.

    L: Peaches we are all pulling for you hope you can make it to SF for the bash.

    J: It was great to play a gig last night and feel the support from the fans, I was quite nervous.

    K: Sorry to hear that seek but thank you as well.

    J: Dan just like riding a bike.

    K: We'd send you a digital kleenex if we could Peaches.

    J: Seek, my lyrics have helped me through things too.

    The next album will be....
    K: It's going to be jazzy like kill em all.

    K: I'll trade you for a house mortgage.

    L: So far we've seemed to go heavy, less blues, more agro, more fucked up, weirder sounds, busier drumming, it is really difficult to describe.

    J: Horse we need them all now we have so many songs.

    New song title:
    K: Well the title so far is DK Roll.
    L: Working title Dead Kennedy Roll.

    L: Yes queen there is definitely new energy in the band.

    L: JC fucking out of control, it was surreal.

    K: We feel revitalized.

    L: We haven't (asked Bob to join Met) and I don't think we are going to... my feeling is that Bob will not want to tour.

    J: Jan how do you know they get paid in the first place?

    They've already been remastered

    K: I havent seen the new Star Wars flick but I've always been afraid of yoda myself.

    L: Say hi to bob the camera man.

    L: Sugarjames I saw Motorhead in SF two weeks ago and Lemmy is doing great.

    L: Queen we have not gotten that far yet right now. We want to concentrate on the record maybe play a few more local club gigs but touring is probably still a bit far off.

    L: Queen, done.

    Q: Why did you cut your hair??
    J: Why are you a hairdresser?
    J: Wait, it's just hair.
    J: Oh no not the meanie face!!

    Kirk: We would make Niclas dance but hes not wearing any pants.
    K: And that would break the webcams.

    L: Indy we definitely will, last night we had to do it for ourselves and to ease our way in to it.

    L: Yes Jason was at the gig last night. I did not talk to him, he left before we got off is what I was told.

    K: The legend of hellhouse
    K: The evil Dead trilogy

    K: What is that JC?
    James: Thank you spider.

    L: Queen great fucking question I wrestle with that all the time. I am proud that we stood up to protect our shit I just wish I hadnt been blindsided to the shit storm that it caused.

    Cool horseman.

    L: Indy thanks appreciate it.

    J: Spider, great kicks maximum ass.

    K: The new Down record didn't leave my CD player for about three weeks.

    J: I saw them here two weeks ago.

    J: Thanks for the support creep.

    K: Send it with the movie JC.

    L: Ath, it's great to be back and in touch with you guys I will now try to step it up.

    K: The Queen of England is a reptile.

    J: Sugar I don't think I've ever been asked that...

    L: Indy I still think the point got missed a bit it was never really about money it was about control.

    K: The last comic I read was a horror comic from the 50s and it was so graphic and violent I couldn't believe it was written for litle kids... I loved it!

    L: Bash, I spent 6 months in Johannesburg when I was 4 years old. My dad was playing tennis there, so I have been there and looking forward to getting back there with Metallica.

    J: Mr, cuz I'm trying to be mean, it doesnt work most of the time.

    K: Outlaw with an attitude like that your right your never going to make it.
    K: If you can see yourself doing it you are partially on your way to making it real.

    L: Waiting, cause he smells good.

    Q: What's your cell phone number?
    J: Would you like a credit card number too?

    K: Gay hell?

    L: Queen, super weird.. great question very difficult to talk about.

    J: 30, Jason did, Kid took over the turntables for me... (Question about when James was out with his back?)

    J: Wut do you mean?

    Q: Will you be doing any hunting?
    J: JC, riff hunting.

    J: Jan thanks I missed everyone too.

    K: I'm currently made out of plastic phantom.

    K: Ozzy tour.

    I think this is when I told james I was glad to see him with L&K because I was sick of just seeing L&K.
    J: Me too.

    L Poughkeepsie, fuck yeah I do, Blue Oyster Cult recorded a live album there.

    K: Surfing thing is great, it rules my world, just as long as I don't run into any great white fishes.

    J: Kirk the great white bait.

    K: Just don't call me your chum.

    J: Kirks a surf bum.

    L: Lars FLOFL.

    K: Very possible Spiderdan.

    Janhetfield: Kirk if you get your hand bit by a shark I'll have to kick your ass!
    K: If I get bit I might not have an ass to kick!

    J: Yes great minds think alike spider.

    K: I hate that song but I'm sorry you friend passed, but that song makes me puke.

    J: Tying to be human.

    K: I'll just punch them in the eye.

    L: All four of them have been recorded and mixed and I am sure whichever ones we don't give them will end up on fan cans, B sides, etc. We are making the decision tomorrow any thoughts out there?

    L: Does anyone have a favorite Ramones song?

    J: Sugar I recently had neck surgery to remove a ruptured disc so no strenuous activities, that's why I was playing on a stool last night. I cannnot hold the guitar with a strap.

    L: Speaking of the fan can we are finalizing the next one as we are speaking and should have news for you within a week.

    J: Right on Mr!

    L: Hi to my drummer.

    L: My emoticon is a Danish flag. Niclas?

    L: FLOFL

    L: Queen about as true as me opening a pancake house or whatever the fuck it was you guys were talking about.

    J: All the babies are on full volume...

    L: Bye kirk.

    K: Bye lars

    L: Who said I was fucking leaving.

    J: Thanks for everyone's support through extremely rough times and I feel very fortunate to have people around me that do understand that I'm just human too.
    J: I gotta go eat dinner with the family.

    L: You guys have too much time on your time.

    The new song's title:
    J: Ath, Dead Kennedy Rolls, a song about one of my new hot rods.

    K: I'm going to hang out with my horses and shovel some horsehit before the sun goes down.

    J: We will do this again, appreciate you all, talk to you soon..

    L: I got dinner with Myles waiting downstairs. I am going to head down in a second any parting words?
    L: I will definitely try to make it to the bash duder.
    L: Spandex are safely locked away never to be seen again.

    L: Nutty skiing motherfuckers in jackson wyoming.

    Mr.Met: Lars stop biting your fingernails!
    L: Mr Met, stop playing with your dick.
    Sugar, no I am not.

    L: I don't know how to post.

    L: Spider latest I have heard is its coming in July. It is not our album, it is out of our hands, we are waiting as much as you are.

    The shit sandwhich story in SW.
    L: queen thanks that was a crazy afternoon.

    L: Spider, no the song is done, mixed, mastered and signed off on. They just cant decide when to release it.
    L: I'm out of here before my wife starts bitching at me.
    L: O wait she is in LA... before Myles starts bitching at me.

    L: This is way to sophisticated for me... see ya

  • ha cool
    wann kommt das neue album??
    James: Wenns fertig ist!! lol das kenn ich doch Its done when its done
    wie wird das neue album??
    Es wird in etwa so wie KEA.....naja mal sehen ob er dann auch wieder so schreit

  • mannomann, die haben wieder einen Scheiß abgelabert, is ja schon fast so schlimm wie hier im Forum :D und großartiges neues haben sie auch nich gesagt, gut, vielleicht, dass halt Bob doch nich einsteigt, aber def. is das nich...und das das neue Album nun doch wieder in die härtere Richtung gehen soll, YEAH !!! :headbang: Das is ja wohl die, touren wird wohl noch ne Weile dauern :(

    Was auch cool is, da Kirk als Fishfutter dient :D

  • Naja. Ist schon ziemlich seltsam was die Jungs so von sich geben:" Das neue Album wird wie Kill em All.....äh....weniger Blues...mehr Agro.....ach das ist schwierig zu beschreiben" :D
    Hauptsache das Album kommt bald!


    "Man kann Angela Merkel alles vorwerfen, aber hochgebumst hat die sich nicht!" Ingo Appelt

    BEER - Everybody needs a Hobby BEER

  • find ich cool
    die reden wenigstens mit ihren Fans (und tun nicht so gescheit)
    mit den Fans reden oder chatten ist eine der besten dinge die du machen kannst wenn du berühmt bist 8)

    who's the one to suffer now?
    you're the one who showed me how
    put yourself on the ropes
    there's no breaks

  • Was auf jeden Fall kein Witz war ist, dass James eine Rückenoperation hinter sich hat. Deshalb sitzt er auch als einziger bei den Fotos. Wundert mich das das noch keinem aufgefallen ist....

  • wahrscheinlich weil er die schweren ESP Explorer so weit unte hängen hat.

    "Your friend is the one you call to bail you out of jail."
    Your best friend is the one sitting next to you saying. "Dude, that was awesome!"

  • dummer witz. über so etwas sollte man nicht lachen. Sorry! :skeptisch:

    "Your friend is the one you call to bail you out of jail."
    Your best friend is the one sitting next to you saying. "Dude, that was awesome!"

  • Irgendwie labern doch Metallica immer voll den Scheiß zusammen. Wer war eigentlich die ganze Zeit "Spider" ? Ein chatter oder was? Dass das neue Album wie KeA klingen soll war wohl ein Witz, denn KeA klingt nicht Jazzy und sie wollten ja was neues machen. "agro" bedeutet (*hoff hoff* :D ) wahrscheinlich sowas wie aggressiv ....hoffe ich mal. Aber wenn sie schon den Song ...äh ich weiß jetzt nicht emhr genau Ak Kennedy oder so was? nennen, und der Song von James´ Hotrods handeln soll dann gute Nacht, denn der Titel hört sich richtig billig an...genau so wie "We dit it". Aber naja, der Titel kann eigentlich egal sein, wenn die Mucke passt. Erhoffen wir mal das BEste! :rockdevil:

  • Ich hab das eh schon mal geposted das es Heavy,aggressiv und dreckig werden soll aber es hat mir ja keiner geglaubt jetzt seht ihr es! :headbang:
    Hier noch mal der Bericht von Encyclopedia da steht irgendein Songname vielleicht ist´s aber auch nur ein scherz
    Amongst the info gathered was that the new song played at the Spun show the night before has a working title of "Dead Kennedy Rolls" (or just "DK Rolls"), and that its lyrics were written about one of James' new hotrods. It was also revealed that Hetfield recently had surgery on his neck to repair a ruptured disk, which is presently preventing him from indulging in any strenuous activities. "That's why I was playing on a stool last night," said James. "I cannot hold the guitar with a strap."

    With regards to the band's contribution to the upcoming Ramones tribute album, entitled We're A Happy Family, the band revealed that all four Ramones songs played the night before have been recorded and mixed, with the decision due to be made today as to which song actually ends up on the compilation. The leftovers, meanwhile, will likely appear on future singles and/or fan cans, according to Lars.

    Ulrich and Hammett also spoke briefly about the group's new material, with Lars referring to the new songs as "heavy, less blues, more agro, more fucked up, weirder sounds, busier drumming… It is really difficult to describe." Both also made it a point to say that there is "new energy" in the band since the departure of bassist Jason Newsted, who was apparently in attendance at the SPUN show but left before any band member could speak to him, according to Lars.

    On the subject of the new bass player, Hammett flatly rejected the suggestion that either Mike Inez (ex-Alice in Chains) or David Ellefson (ex-Megadeth) would sit in with the group during the upcoming songwriting and recording activities, while Lars stated that "we haven't [asked producer Bob Rock to join METALLICA] and I don't think we are going to... my feeling is that Bob will not want to tour."

  • Quote

    L: So far we've seemed to go heavy, less blues, more agro, more fucked up, weirder sounds, busier drumming, it is really difficult to describe.

    Was bedeutet agro, weirder und busier??? Diese Agro höre ich oft, aber kann nix damit anfangen

    And forever after, you can hear the laughter
    World's being plastered by an evil bastard
    Exterminating faster, devastating plaster
    Fabulous disaster

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