xxx über Anger

  • Naaa,wer labbert diesmal über Anger?Lars....nein....Kirk...nein....

    Na wer?
    Rob richtig!!!!

    Nein verarscht James :D
    The Sun spoke with Hetfield about his recovery and the band's rebirth last week.

    Are you happy with the reception the new album is getting?

    Hetfield: Yeah. We're grateful people are embracing it as much as they can. It's a pretty intense record and these days, with bubblegum metal on the radio, it takes some intense music fans to get past the length of the songs and some of the production. It was more of a statement than anything as to what we were feeling.

    What kind of statement were you trying to make?

    Hetfield: When we're feeling healthy or happy we tend to play a little faster, so the songs got a lot faster. There was so much fun just creating riffs on the spot we couldn't leave anything out, so we kept adding and adding and the songs got somewhat long.

    Why are there no guitar solos?

    Hetfield: I'm sure Kirk definitely wanted to do some solos on there and we tried in a couple of places, but it just didn't feel like it was necessary. Kirk played all the rhythm stuff and there's some amazing playing on there and we felt that if he felt like doing a solo when we were writing, maybe he would have done one.

    Have the events of the past years overshadowed the band's music?

    Hetfield: In my opinion, at the end of the day it's the music that lives on, hopefully not what hairstyle you had or what political stance you take on something. People have been firing things at us ever since we started. Napster, Jason leaving, the rehab, all those things happened for a reason and they brought us together in those times.

    A big part of rehab is talking about it, but are you sick of it?

    Hetfield: No because it's a great reminder for me of where I was and where I am now and where I could be if I don't keep aware of what I need to do for myself to stay on the right path.

    Was alcohol your main problem?

    Hetfield: The alcohol was kind of the spark that would start the fire of unacceptable behaviour you can get away with being in a rock band. There were a lot of anger issues around that and rage was a major one for me. I hadn't really got into drugs. Drugs scared me at an early age, which I'm pretty grateful for, but depression also somehow became a part of my life and alcohol contributed a lot to that.

    What convinced you to enter rehab?

    Hetfield: Well, just hitting the bottom I think. I tried stopping drinking around Load or Reload for about a year and a half and was doing some therapy and (the therapist) suggested that was the root of my problems. I didn't really believe it. I wasn't ready for it, and then slowly got back into the beer and wine and eventually hit the hard stuff again. My wife said, 'You've got to go somewhere and get this together,' and it took me not living at home anymore and not seeing the kids. It was a real jolt to my fake reality.

    They kicked you out?

    Hetfield: Yeah, and I'm so glad they did. I wouldn't accept that behaviour now that I can see it. I would never allow that behaviour in my house now and she did the right thing to protect her and the kids. So the band was disintegrating, home life was disintegrating and really my whole sense of being was in complete unknown territory.

    Is Metallica still fun or is it a job?

    Hetfield: I'd say it was more of a job before and the partying was the fun bit. Before it was like, 'Yay, I get to go on tour and drink and cause destruction and havoc everywhere,' and that was the fun bit. Playing was fun too, but it was like that thing you had to do to continue the other behaviour. It's definitely a different vibe out here now, a lot more accountable and challenging.

    Are you more together as a band now?

    Hetfield: Absolutely. But it's not without struggle. Every day there's struggle, and every day you've got to work at it -- it's just like a marriage and you've got to work it that way.

    Ok,nix neues aber der vollständigkeit wegen ;)
    Übersetzung spar ich mir,steht ja nix drin,das einzig interessante ist das James von seiner Frau rausgeworfen wurde,daraufhin entschied er sich für die Reha,wer kein Englisch kann,keine Sorge is das typische Interview blabla :greetings:

  • Zitat

    Original von Hannes
    Ja... und es war draussen scheißwetter, konntn nur in der Hütte sitzn und saufen das ging daheim dann so weiter.

    armer james :skeptisch: wenns da so war, hätt er ja auch einfach heimfliegen können

  • meinst du mitten in der steppe drausen in sibirien kann man einfachmal so abhaun ?(
    ausserdem ist das "jadtsport" da passiert mal net so viel, die können da tage warten bis sie ein viech vors rohr bekommen :D

  • und iwe isser hinkommen? dann hääte er eben ned nach sibirien gehen sollen.


    Wo es nach seinen Worten nur geschmolzenes Eiswasser und Wodka gab...da wär ich auch zum alkoholiker geworden

    was für ne ausrede, alkoholiker zu werden :D

  • oder er hat sich einfach hinbeamen lassen,......
    na sicher hatte er die möglichkeit nachhause zufliegen,....die haben ja sicher ein telefon gehabt,......das wäre ja ned normal wenn ein JAMES HETFIELD ohne einem einzigen kontakt irgendwo in der hütte schlafen müsste und keinen kontakt zur aussenwelt hätte

    das denke ich mir mal,....

  • aber wenn son scheißwetter war kann man vl. ned fliegen, wenn man sich die Flieger der Russen so ansieht, sin da manche nimmer sicher ;)

  • ja aber das ist nicht normal das sie keine versorgung gehabt haben,.....ich glaube das es nicht möglich ist das sie mehr vodka als trinkwasser mitgehabt haben,.....
    und ausserdem wenn sie echt proviant gebraucht hätten dann hätten sie es mim schneemobil schicken lassen können.......
    und den call hätten sie locker mit einem funkgerät machen können.....also

  • vielleicht wars ja einfach nur absicht von meinem buddy jaymz ( :rofl:), in "rustikalen" lebensverhältnissen zu leben für ne doch nichts ungewöhnliches bei personen öffentlichen interesses....

  • Was habt irh für Vorstellungen von Russland?Wenn man da mitten im Sibierischen Nichts ist kann man halt nich "mal eben" weg,und James Formulierung war natürlich übertrieben...

  • Also weis ned obs da so viele Schneemobile gibt, und Proviant könnens sich ja mim Hubschrauber mitnehmen, n großer mil nimmt schon 2 Tonnen oder so locker intern auf. aber egal, jedenfalls habn se gesoffen

  • Zitat

    Original von FrayedEnd
    The Sun spoke with Hetfield about his recovery and the band's rebirth last week.

    Ähm... am Anfang war ich etwas verwirrt, weil ich dachte, oh, hab ich was nicht mitbekommen, hatte Jaymz nen Rückfall oder was?

    Aber das schon ein sehr altes Interview, stimmts? Müsste so von Juni / Juli 2003 sein.


    LARS: Don't say "searchin' seek and destroy" and then start smiling as you're saying "destroy".
    BOB ROCK: I can't! It's so fun playing this kind of music.
    LARS: This kind of music...?! We're the most succesfull rockband in the world motherfucker, this is not "This kind of music..." Ok?
    SKOM 2005

  • Zitat

    Original von NWOBHM

    Ähm... am Anfang war ich etwas verwirrt, weil ich dachte, oh, hab ich was nicht mitbekommen, hatte Jaymz nen Rückfall oder was?

    Aber das schon ein sehr altes Interview, stimmts? Müsste so von Juni / Juli 2003 sein.

    Das Interview ist von letzter Woche,wie kommst du drauf das James nen neuen Rückfall hatte?Er kann doch in dem Interview über seinen damaligen Rückfall reden :verplant:

  • Hannes / @ FrayedEnd

    War wohl ein Mißverständnis. "spoke about ... the band's rebirth last week" kann heißen
    a) sprach letzte Woche über die Wiedergeburt der Band
    b) sprach über die Wiedergeburt der Band, die letzte Woche stattfand

    Nach FrayedEnds Protest :D zu urteilen...


    Original von FrayedEnd
    Das Interview ist von letzter Woche

    ...scheint Möglichkeit a die richtige zu sein.


    LARS: Don't say "searchin' seek and destroy" and then start smiling as you're saying "destroy".
    BOB ROCK: I can't! It's so fun playing this kind of music.
    LARS: This kind of music...?! We're the most succesfull rockband in the world motherfucker, this is not "This kind of music..." Ok?
    SKOM 2005

  • wieso @ hannes? ich glaub wir ham uns da missverstanden, ich würd nur gerne mehr über seinen Rückfall von dem da gesprochen wird erfahren...

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