• ja mal news bei megadeth, nichts aufregendes aber ne nettes schmankerl, also wer die Peace sells noch ned hat und ne Dolby Souround Anlage daheim sei mal gesagt:
    The new DVD-Audio version of "Peace Sells... But Who's Buying was released on October 14, 2003. Included on the DVD are three different audio tracks, DVD-A 5.1, DTS 5.1, and PCM 2.0 stereo. Also included on this special edition are tons of extras like the "Devil's Island Mix Breakdown" which allows the listener to break the song down into 6 different formats:
    Drums and Bass
    Drums, Bass and Rhythm Guitars
    Drums, Bass and Chris Poland's Guitar
    Drums, Bass and Dave Mustaine's Guitar
    No Drums
    Final Mix
    Also among the extras are interviews with Dave Mustaine, David Ellefson and Chris Poland as well as the music videos for "Wake Up Dead" and "Peace Sells".


    Wake Up Dead
    The Conjuring
    Peace Sells
    Devil's Island Good
    Mourning/Black Friday
    Bad Omen
    I Ain�t Superstitious
    My Last Words

    würds mir ja holen, hab aber kein Dolby :D

  • Ich auch nicht, aber klingt nicht schlecht :D

    We'll lose the things we've fighted for
    Each rise is followed by a fall
    We'll lose the ones we love, the ones we most adore
    Yet go on... We go on

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    21.11.2025 - 22.11.2025
    Tickets ab € 59,90
  • K.I.Z
    22.03.2025 - 22.03.2025
    Tickets ab € 76,90
  • Bullet For My Valentine
    Bullet For My Valentine
    03.02.2025 - 23.02.2025
    Tickets ab € 58,80
  • Trivium
    03.02.2025 - 23.02.2025
    Tickets ab € 58,80
  • Avantasia
    14.03.2025 - 06.04.2025
    Tickets ab € 51,49
  • Queensryche
    07.02.2025 - 28.02.2025
    Tickets ab € 48,95
