Ich hab mal ein nettes Slayer Interview gefunden. Da lassen sich die Jungs um Kerry King ein bisschen über Metallica aus:
I did an interwiew with Kerry in Metal Hammer,(Septemember "95 issue) prior to last year's Donmgton festival where you said: "Kirk Hammett is the most overrated player ever to grace the pages of a guitar magazine." Did you get any feedback from that?
King:: "Oh, that was the interview that got me in trouble' After the gig we were at the aftershow and Kirk comes up to me all drunk off his ass and starts giving me shit I'm like, "Listen, man, It doesn't mean you suck because I think you're overrated. It was silly, man He comes up to me "Hey, you wanna do a solo record?". "Not particularly". He wanted to piss me off. He has in print so he had something to come at me with. I just said: "I think you're overrated, I don't think you're that great, but that doesn't mean you suck. That's just what I think.
Don't you think "Unforgiven' has a great solo?
King:: I think the song "Unforgiven" sucks. There's like two songs on that record I like, Maybe. But that doesn't mean they're bad songs, that means they're not my style. But I've got to bitch about it because it's not what Metallica are. Metallica have changed to be popular wth the masses. Whether they want to or not, that's not what got Metallica big and that's what irritates me.
Hanneman: I don't listen to them any more. I think thev just totally lost the edge. Thev just don't seem to want to write the heavy stuff anymore, for whatever reason. Maybe that's not what they like to write about any more.
King:: It was funny though, because everyone at Donnington came up to me and gave me shit because the article had just come out. Lars was cool about it though Lars knows. Lars ain't the greatest drummer in the world but he does his job. Jason had nothing to say. And nobody said anything about what I said about James - I said James is probably the best metal frontman there is.
He had nothing to say. He was probably happy as hell. Not that he gives a shit anyway.
Do you think that James Hetfiefd is a better frontman than Tom Araya?
King:: Oh definitely - just in terms of relating to the crowd.
I think that's the weakest point of Slayer's live-set. It seems that Tom doesn't know what to say between songs.
King:: He has no cheerleader in him, which is good.
Hanneman: That's one of the things I like about Tom, because it's so different. He could control that whole crowd, and instead he's like, (Looking around) "What's the next song?"; He's got all that power right there but he just doesn't know how to yield it, I guess.
Going back to the Kirk Hammett quote, you upset so many of our readers there, I just can't begin to tell you.
King:: And they're all probably saying about how lousy I am and about how great Kirk Hammett is. It's all popularity, man. It's got nothing to do with how good you are. Technically, he can probably play circles around me, but I don't give a shit because I write way better leads than he does.
So how is your relationship with Metallica? When asked to respond to your outburst last year, Lars Ulrich tactfully declined to comment, putting it down to "private Slayer business".
King:: I just think he didn't want it to erupt into a big media thing, like the Slayer/Sepultura thing. The only reason I fuel that thing is because it's so stupid. It's the dumbest thing ever .
On the subject of Sepultura. Max Cavalera recently cast doubts on whether you'd still be around in five years. Anything to say?
King:: "What, and they will? Wait till we make a video in the mud, then let's talk. Five years!!?? Fucking retard."
Following last year's Donnington festival, there was a quote in a magazine that claimed Slayer - unlike Machine Head and White Zombie - sounded old and tired. Is it possible to always remain on the cutting edge?
King:: "I think it's possible to stay on the edge. But what's the edge, you know? Why do Zombie have the edge and we don't, you know? It's an opinion. I don't think White Zombie's on the edge. I think they're doing rock'n'roll with voice synthizers, that's what I think".
It's like a Motley Crüe for the '90s.
King:: "They ain't gonna be around in five years time".
By the way, please say what you think. Don't hold back.
King:: [laughing] "I've never had a problem with that!".
Hanneman: "Go Kerry, go Kerry...".
King:: "You know, we make the kind of music we hke to hear. That's what made us who we are. We put out songs that we like, we don't put out songs because we thought someone else was ganna like them. I think that's why we've stayed credible, and I think that's why we've had the fan loyalty we've had - because we're fans ourselves. If we like it, then generally the people who are ganna by our records will."
And are Slayer fans still as loyal?
King:: "They were last time we played. "