• Gehört zwar nicht hier rein aber auf der Suche nach so einer Seite hab ich ne Seite gefunden wo man sich die erste Megadeth ever saugen kann. :))
    Hier der Link.

  • ja, auf der Page gibts oft Bootlegs.


    Ansonsten, naja die Bootleg ist so verdammt schlecht. Dave hört man nicht. Sonst hört man nur ein einziges Rauschen und die Snare und mal ein Becken! So schlecht!!!
    Ich hab mir nur "Skull Beneath The Skin" gesaugt und das hat mir gereicht.

  • Zieh dir mal Next Victim,das ist Last Words auf der Peace Sells,das geht hier mächtig ab. :headbang:
    Naja von nem ersten Auftritt kann man nicht eine super Bootleg-quali erwarten,bei Metallica wars ähnlich grottig.

    Übrigens agiert Dave cool mit dem Publikum soweit ich gehört hab nicht wie auf Rude Awakening. X(

  • naja jeder hat mal nen schlechten Tag. :D

    Aber Dave soll ja ein sehr launischer Mensch sein, und wenn dem was nicht passt wird der schonmal ausfallend. Sieht man ja daran, wieviele Ex-Bandmitglieder geflogen sind, weil die und Dave sich in die Haare bekommen haben.

    Wieso hat der nur gelabert? Die Texte während des Songs runtererzählt oder was?

  • Nee, der hatte einmal Probleme mit der Stimme und wollte auf alles außer das Singen verzichten, beim anderen Mal hatte er schlechte Laune und kein Bock zu singen, konnte aber nicht mehr absagen oder so ähnlich zumindest ist es gewesen.

  • ja die Bootleg ist wirklich so schlecht, dass es 0% Spaß mach da zuzuhören. Also da sind die, die von Metallica als schlecht bezeichnet hab traumhaft gegen.

    Ich hab auf der Page schonmal nen anderen Gig gezogen von Argentinien 97, da ist die Qualtiät annehmbar.
    Das beste ist am Anfang von Mechanix ist Daves Gitarre total verstimmt, so dass die aufhören müssen zu spielen.
    Auf dem Auftritt ist Dave aber auch nicht supergelaunt. Er sagt am Anfang nur "Good Evening" und rockt mit Holy Wars los. Das sind die einzigen Worte die er da zum Publikum spricht, glaub ich.

    EDIT: Mein 300ster Eintrag !

  • Na Vic was ist dir lieber eine Hochglanzproduktion ala Loadohne Kanten oder das hier was nur ne Kante ist? :D
    Sooo schlecht ist die Qualität meiner Meinung wirklich nicht,ich kanns mir anhören ihr Weicheier. :finger:

  • übrigens hab ich sowas ähnliches wie ich hier am Anfang gefragt habe gefunden. Auf http://megadeth.rockmetal.art.pl/home.html gibts ein großes Bootleg Archiv, wo man so eine ungefähre Vorstellung bekommt wie die Setlists von Megadeth von Zeit zu Zeit aussahen. Ab und zu kann man sich auch mal eine MP3 runterladen.

    Das ist übrigens die beste und umfangreichste Megadeth Homepage die ich kenn !

  • zu dem Konzert da oben, war ja das erste hier mal ein Telephon interview

    taken from MSE, 1984
    Gene talks to Dave Mustaine

    Some lady: Hello?

    Gene: Hello, is, uh... Dave there?

    Some lady: Which Dave?

    Gene: Um, Dave Mustaine?

    Some lady: Yeah, hold on...

    Dave Mustaine: Hello?

    Gene: Hello, Dave?

    DM: Yeah.

    Gene: It's Gene from MSE, what's up?

    DM: Oh, what's up, Gene?

    Gene: Uh, how was the show?

    DM: It was great!

    Gene: Yeah?

    DM: Fuck, it was great!!!

    Gene: Did you fuckin' devastate, um, Frisco?

    DM: I don't know. Why don't you wait and hear it through the grapevine.

    Gene: Uh, yeah?

    DM: I thought I did pretty good.

    Gene: That's great. How's the band looking?

    DM: Oh, it's heavy.

    Gene: Oh yeah?

    DM: Fuckin' real heavy.

    Gene: Oh, that's great.

    DM: We still gotta locate another guitar player; we have a few people in mind.

    Gene: That's good... How was the crowd reaction?

    DM: Oh, shit...

    Gene: Yeah?

    DM: I don't know; I though, I got goosebumps kind of, ya know. After the second song, they were chanting "Megadeth!" and then, uh, after the seventh song, we went off for our encore, right?

    Gene: Yeah?

    DM: And I'm sitting offstage and I hear this "Kirk Hammett sucks! Kirk Hammett sucks! Kirk Hammett sucks!" and they're chanting "Kirk Hammett sucks," right?

    Gene: Yeah?

    DM: And I couldn't stand it, I fuckin' come running out on stage again, I grab the mic and I say "yeah, I think he fuckin' sucks too!!!" [laughs] and it went down really well.

    Gene: Oh, that's great.

    DM: The first night wasn't too smooth because, you know, it was our first gig and we had a couple of problems. But the second night was just like, I mean it was so smooth. The first three bands really sucked shit.

    Gene: Yeah?

    DM: Real bad. It was Black Leopard, then a band called Reckless with a girl singer that really reaked, and then a band called Trouble that was alright, but the bass player knew he was up against Junior, so he was, you know, really trying to act hot shit.

    Gene: Yeah.

    DM: And then, uh, some friends of ours from down here in LA were trying to get to relocate to San Francisco too, uh, they opened up for us, and as far as we're concerned, we're the only two ands on the whole bill. So they opened up for us and they went down really well, and then we came out and it was like all over.

    Gene: What did you think of Trouble?

    DM: Uhhh, they... I didn't really get a chance to hear them too well, but uh, I didn't hear too much of them. I thought they were a bit slow, but of course, coming from me, anything would be a bit slow, except for, perhaps, Pump and GBH or something.

    Gene: Yeah. Did you, um, well... We're dying for you over here on the East Coast. We need some fuckin' metal, none of this fuckin' "Kill'em All" bullshit. Slow and all; that's what we... these songs are slow and all.

    DM: God, you gotta hear this shit; it's like Armageddon's here.

    Gene: Yeah.

    DM: You know, I came out and I've got like this, uh, bandelerro of machine gun bullets, and I wore like three of those things, and I've got like hand grenades hooked to them and all this shit, and uh, we came out, and first, since it was our second gig, we were still kind of green with everything...

    Gene: Yeah?

    DM: And, um, I'm standing out there on the stage trying to check all my wireing so that, you know, cause our road crew's still kind of green too, since we just got together. And we're using a massive equipment setup so we really had to go over everything twice. But I'm standing out there and some idiot pulled the curtain up and a bunch of people saw that I was out on stage, so everybody starts yanking on the curtain. So the club pulled the curtain all the way up so that it wouldn't get ripped off the poles, you know? And so we went through the whole intro tape with the curtains open and I was standing there, and people were just fuckin' freaking out. It went down pretty well from what I heard.

    Gene: That's great. Are you still... Is David Ellefson still your bass player or is he gone?

    DM: Yeah, he's still in here.

    Gene: That's what I figured, but I, um, someone I knew told me he wasn't in the band any more and I said, you know, "that's not right."

    DM: No way. Dave Ellefson and me are like, ya know, a hand and a glove. We got a new drummer now named Lee Raush.

    Gene: Oh yeah?

    DM: And, uh, we got a guitarist named Kerry King from Slayer. We still really want the guy in the band, although his dedication is really not too happening.

    Gene: Oh?

    DM: Because he went along just for the ride, this time ya know? And he's into the Slayer image, which I think is quite poseur, myself. You know, he tells me how heavy I am and how I influenced him and everything, and you'd think he'd want to play with us; we kill Slayer.

    Gene: Yeah, yeah. Oh, there's just so much going on. What are some of the new songs you're doing?

    DM: Well, uh, to make it really quick... I gotta get back to work...

    Gene: Yeah, I don't want to...

    DM: To make it really quick, the song titles if you can catch them in a rambling sort of setup... The first one's an instrumental, it's called "Hook in Mouth" [talking to his boss] I'll make this real fast; he's calling all the way from New York.

    Gene: I don't want to get you in trouble.

    DM: No, it's my boss; she's great, she'll let me talk for a minute or two.

    Gene: Oh. What do you do, are you still doing phone surveys?

    DM: [talking to the boss again] It's from New York, OK? I swear to God I'll stay after. OK. The first song is an instrumental, it's called "Hook in Mouth." And then our second number is "Burnt Offerings", which a nuclear. Um... The third song is "Chosen Ones," then the fourth one is "Skull Beneath the Skin;" it's about our logo and our backdrop and, you know, everything that we're going to use for the cover and shit. And our fourth song is "Looking Down the Cross;" it's about Jesus getting hung up on the post. And then, the fifth one is "Loved to Deth..." wait, wait... did I already do that one? “Chosen Ones," “Down the Cross," “Skull Beneath the Skin"... The fifth one is “Looking Down the Cross," did I tell you that one?

    Gene: Yeah.

    DM: Sixth one is "Loved to Deth;" its about killing my girlfriend... I figured since she won't let me have her, I don't want nobody to have her, so I killed her.

    Gene: Oh, that's cool.

    DM: And then our seventh song is the last song of the set, it's called "Next Victim," it's about Russian roulette; splattering your blunt brains across the wall, you know?

    Gene: Oh, that's great.

    DM: And then we go off... and that's how the live tape is going to turn out; we went off and they started chanting the "Kirk Hammett sucks," and then, um, we came back on and we did... uh... It's like a bass guitar instrumental thing where I just haul ass and Dave just follows me, it's called “Quicksand". And then we go strait into a song that's kind of about a demonic ritual called "Bad Omen," and then we go into a song called "Devil's Island" that makes Alcatraz up there in San Francisco look like a fucking sandbox. [laughs] And then after that we go off for our second encore and then I come back out and I diddle around a bit with the beginning of “Jump in the Fire" and then go into "The Mechanix" off of the "No Life Til' Leather" demo, exactly that way, none of this "Four Horsemen" wimp shit.

    Gene: Yeah, yeah.

    DM: And then we do our anthem to the headbangers called “Rattlehead"...

    Gene: Oh, that's great.

    DM: And that's it and then we're off to screw!

    Gene: OK, that's great, just two more questions. You ever keep in touch with that guy Hugh Tanner?

    DM: Kind of.

    Gene: Oh. Cause I remember he wrote some of the songs and he never got credit for them.

    DM: Yeah, he wrote "Hit the Lights" and he wrote "Motorbreath."

    Gene: Right. And second thing is, I keep on hearing from Sheila; she keeps on writing me letters that she's handling your club. And I know...

    DM: She's not. Brian Louis's handling our fan club.

    Gene: Yeah, yeah. Well hey, listen Dave... Keep thrashing to Megadeth, huh?

    DM: Hey man, I swear as soon as we get something together, it'll be out there because we want to get raged over there... because everybody in the Bay Area is just bleeding Megadeth and everybody's totally freaking out. They're telling us how we killed Metallica... I want to get it back there; I personally want the live tape that says "Kirk Hammet sucks" to get back there, and I want Lars and those guys to hear them chanting "Megadeth" after the second song, you know? That'll kind of give them a slap in the face. [laughs]

    Gene: Definitely, definitely. Gotta come out here and tour.

    DM: We're going out there this summer.

    Gene: Oh, that's great.

    DM: Yeah, we might be signing with Johnny Z.

    Gene: Yeah?

    DM: Maybe. It depends on what he has to offer us, cause he's fucked a lot of bands.

    Gene: Yeah. If you were going to tour with somebody, who would you want to tour with?

    DM: Who would we want to tour with? Fucking Mercyful Fate.

    Gene: Yeah? Great. OK, listen Dave, I'm gonna keep in touch. You're still at 6022 Romaine, #8?

    DM: Uh huh.

    Gene: OK, I'm going to write you a letter and shit.

    DM: Yeah, we'll send some more rage pages out to you, let you know how the band's doing.

    Gene: Alright, thanks a lot, huh?

    DM: Alright, you take care, Gene.

    Gene: OK, keep thrashing.

    DM: I will, man.

    Gene: Take care.

    DM: Alright, bye

    Gene: Bye.

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