Taking a break, Lars is arranging a song, it's an important part of songwriting, yet the most boring part for me. I am still there in spirit. While I open the fridge, and see tons of food, yet nothing to eat, because it always requires making something or heating it up, which takes 30 seconds too long when you are hungry. All you guys can relate to this probably.
Last song we working on, big giant fat guitars with huge chugging and open fatness. Capn's of Crunch lives! The trusty white Explorer which is actually cream color now because of its age, still, rules the Crunch World. I have plenty of other fancy artwork guitars, but that one sounds the best. Sent Zach to go fetch the Jose' Marshall. During the recording of the Black Album Bob Rock and I both got Jose' Marshalls. He is the guy who hotrodded Eddie Van Halens marshalls for the first VH record, but mine doesn't sound as good as Bob's, or Eddie's for that matter. He did ours when he was really sick. Kirk never got his cause Jose' died before he finished it. On that happy note, have a great day, I have to get back to work.